EUW - Woman2Woman


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How many people do you consider your "best friends?"

nope sisters in christ and i have some real genuine strong ones. #blessed

What do you think is the greatest problem facing the teenagers of today?

peer pressure, their looks and fitting in

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Would you date yourself if you were someone else?

i would. especially once i work on changing a few things

If you had to eat only three things for the rest of your life, what would they be?

yam, moin moin, jollof

What's the best thing that happened to you today?

was at peace, did some good deeds and got a lot of work done. power of prayer

Do we become happy only when we meet the one we love?

No we should be happy regardless. God is love and all we need is in Him. Because in Him we have all we need. matthew 6:33.

What do you wish for the most in the new year?

To succeed in all I do for that year and receive all that is for me. amen

What does the bride price signify and would u want the man that wants to marry u to pay the bride price or not?

to me it signifies the love and seriousness of the man honouring his home tradition and showing to all the one he intends to marry. a special bond between the two not to be broken.
no on the other hand i can say now i wouldt want things done that way tbh but that could change lol. its lovely looking at it but to be in it to have things done that way not keen. mums nigerian she may approve but dad being ghanaian may not want to follow that

How do you feel about people "saints" who are considered "busy-bodies" that goes back to your pastor and tells them everything about your business? They have not only done this to me but several others if not the whole congregation (we're a small church). It's getting to the point I don't trust her.

ahhhh busy bodies are the worse ones u know.. those who are always fast to talk and point out the mistakes of others are the ones whl face the biggest challenges within a battle they cant handle so hurt others instead... and because they cant handle it within they challenge u and your mistakes to make them feel better. take no notice of her and just pray for her. eventually all shes doing will come to light and her mouth will be silenced.
dont trust her
hope this helps x


Language: English