EUW - Woman2Woman


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Can there be friendship between a man and a woman?

yes there can be once you take away away that friends with benefits nonsense

I feel like only God is true love as people in this world run away at the first sign of a problem or even when they get hurt they, they think it's fine to hurt someone back. I'm so scared to love again due to the past hurt I've experienced.

i totally 1000% agree with you couldnt have said it better. ive experienced pain and been broken to the lowest all in the name of false love and not listening to God.
read the ministry blog>>>> empoweredunitedwomen.wordpress.com
where i speak about some of my last experience with a guy that led me to ministry. the pain i passed through was alot and never thought i would love or heal..
painful experiences are hard to deal with because u then put up this wall and defend your heart from avoiding same mistakes but even though we have been hurt so much, should allow God to fully heal us (im getting there almost there) to show us what we need and dont need. its all a process and it wont happen overnight. you are scared now but wont be forever so long as u look to God to work on u and focus on him the right one will come and u will know because of how itll plan out. i see myself in u, because at times would shrug off the thought of loving again because my past still comes as a painful reminder. but remember there is a purpose in pain and you will heal itll take time.
always here if need be hope this helps in someway xx

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What supercool connections have you made through the Internet?

connections for the kingdom of God's work

Do we become happy only when we meet the one we love?

God is love and God is happiness and genuine joy

If you were to write a movie script – what would it be about?

women in the world making the transition stage to being women in the kingdom of God

If you could print any phrase on a T-shirt, what would it say?

the ministry name and tne importance of celebrating womanhood and purpose

The whole courting thing kind of confuses me but wouldn't you date someone before youdecide to step into the courting stage? B/c I know you lay your standards but is it not a man's decision to make that next step? Not only that but you wouldn't get with someone and decide on day 1 to court like that

Hey dear.
That's ok hope I can help clarify it in some way for you..
Dating in the world doesn't guarantee marriage you can date many people at a go and none works out or it doesn't lead to marriage. Dating invites sin and most times it's for fun.
With courting now both are deep in Christ have developed as friends and feel they both suit and with confirmation from God decide to wait and marry they get to know each other and only each other and not any other parties and with that they are following the Godly principles to keep Christ as the centre flee fornication and pray to help strengthen them both. They would have been friends who developed feelings for each other and the guy as led felt the woman was right for him prayed over it and God gave confirmation. By all means the man would make the move for it says he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from The Lord not she who finds..
On the flip side you can meet someone who has feelings for you you can get to know them and if u develop feelings and both pray over it eventually you'll both get to the courting stage where he will lead you and have God lead Him..
Courting definitely won't start from day one, but with dating some get to know each other with their bodies as opposed to in Christ where both get to know each other the pure way and in their walks unite..
Hope this helps if not let me know anything u may be unsure of xx

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What's the best dating advice you have?

dating is for the world. in the kingdom we do courting.
my advice for that would be to study each other and take their time help support each other and love God's way fleeing sin

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

Back in the world i planned to link a guy and he told me he was pulling up to where i was, i saw a guy doing just that and so jumped into the car without even realising until after i shut the door that it was the wrong car a complete stranger:/
another time i linked someone in brixton and got stranded because i got the times mixed up for when to leave and didnt have enough on me to call cab back to east so i was roaming the streets looking for a cab service to plead with to take me home (dont ask)


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