EUW - Woman2Woman


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What do you think people think of you?

ao long as those who are close to me and know me like me thats all that matters
not out to please ppl or make them all like me

If someone wrote a biography about you, what do you think the title should be?

the twists and turns leading to ministry
never letting obstacles define us
blinded by the pain but never gave up

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Do you think that money can buy love?

no money cant buy love it can encourage lust sinful ways and selfish needs

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

where God has called me to be doing His work and having fulfilled most things by then

Shall we look for love, wait for love or forget totally about it?

we shouldnt go looking for love..
Proverbs 18:22 says "He whofinds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from theLord."
not she who finds.. as women it is not our role to go looking for love we are ro be patient work on us and trust in God's timing to bring the right man to us who He feels strongly is for us and who has fulfiled his assignment in singlehood and is ready to lead a woman with God as the head of them both.. Not us looking because that way wont end well, we will look for it in the wrong places and be deceived.

How did you come about starting your ministry, what triggered the need to start something focused on women

a similar Q was asked.. ill add on to what i said before.
the answer to that is lengthy but ill say as much as i can here.. also u can check out my wordpress > where i speak about the painful experience that got me into ministry and the vision for the ministry> empoweredunitedwomen.wordpress.com
so i was doing a piece of writing one evening in september 2013 and i heard a voice speak the words lisa you are meant to be in ministry your calling is in ministry..
looking around no one was there and it was just me with this voice echoing. i shrugged it off didnt believe how i as broken i was was called to help women.. overtime i got confirmation in different ways one way was a dream a girl had of me speaking to many women holding a microphone, another from my dad of me speaking to many women, another from a male friend who had dreams about me in ministry and a vision at church and a dream that i had also of me speaking to many holding a microphone.
so u see God had called me but because of fear and doubt i shrugged it off and in more ways than one he showed me in different ppl why it was so and i began to connect the dots
i then began to come into my own in ministry and all of a sudden i was planning things and the confirmations were still coming and i accepted and started to do the work as He worked on me. ministry turned into my life and it was all i ever and still want to do and with that my desires connected to it
u see when God calls you He will always show confirmations through others, dreams visions experiences u name it. if u strongly believe its God act on it and He will equip you and if its own desires youll just know with time its not of him because you know yourself and what u want but it may not be what God wants for u its a process.
now why its triggered to women..
i faced a very tough experience/relationship and it completly left me in pieces. in my brokenness God spoke to me and said im to be in ministry to help encourage them, deliver from painful experiences, break all chains of holding us back, to help them realise their worth and to empower them.. he was using my broken experience to go help others who struggled with pain and assured me that i have the anointing over my life to help broken women especially as i have been broken can relate to them. used my pain for a purpose to be on a wider scale to help women all over.. in my pain my calling came

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What version of the bible do you use the most alongside the KJV?

tbh all my bibles are kjv
have the thou art loosed one
the application study bible
and a relationship bible
All Kjv/nkjv
how abouy yourself

If you had 10 minutes on a popular TV talk show, what would you talk about?

encouraging words to women and their walk with God

How long does it take to really 'know' someone?

depends on the two involved and when God says its time to move to the next level after courting/ getting to know each other

Why do people lie?

because they live in a comfort zone of thinking its okay to do so and cant handle the truth

What is your favorite way to spend some time alone?

meditate, ministry planning, read my bible and pray.

Have you ever saved someone's life?

yes a close friend of mine. she was approached by a drunk man who wanted to harm her, I stood in the way to try to difuse the matter and eventually after all the agression and verbal abuse he walked away

How did you come up with your username?

it is the initials for the ministry. > EMPOWERED UNITED WOMEN MINISTRY (EUWM)

How can you be happy without money?

You can be happy knowing that you have God who will always meet our needs. He is the creator of wealth and has so muchhhhhhhh in abundance and will never run dry. money doesnt equal happiness. the most richest person can also be the most unhappiest and the poorest person can be the mosr happiest because they know that even though they dont have money are happy alive and healthy..


Language: English