
Armoured Skeptic

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Science is great in theory (no pun intended) but in practice it cannot be trusted. It's impossible to question status quo w/ career intact. Social science is worst of course but even hard science has dogma and fakery that take huge resources to reproduce and test. How can we trust science?

not entirely true
sure, it's rare for a real paradigm shift to take place, but when evidence is stacked the community will agree. it's happened before, it will happen again.
I don't consider social science a real science btw
is there a particular example you have in mind?

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As a skeptic, have you gone against the grain on Leonardo di Caprio? Most people make him out to be a great actor.

I don't understand why Martin keeps casting him. Leo fails time and again to play roles convincingly. He was perfect for catch me if you can, and maybe that stupid modern version if romeo and Juliette, but every other role he's played has been a tax on the overall quality of every movie he is in.
Leo is the main reason I hesitate to call MS a genius director
Liked by: MrBanksIsSaved

there's a lot of talk bout a return to the WWII sub-genre of FPSs, yahtzee thinks that those games have sung their swan-song, while extra credits believe that it can be revive through game-play twerks, globalism, etc, what about you? do you belive WWII games can be revives for FPS

Andrija Jovanovic
entertainment in general always goes through cycles.
we're in a new generation of gaming (technically) and it's only a matter if time before wwii games take off again.
side note, cod 1, 2, 3 and w@w are my favorite shooters of all time. I am rooting for some new wwii games.
this future (advanved) shooter style is going to get tired fast.
Liked by: Dale Williamson

Can you explain Quantum Physics? I had a discussion about it with a friend, and it gave me a headache, and it really confuses me.

not on ask.fm
only 2 people on earth really understand and even they cant make predictive models of it

what do you think of this Creationist guy call you out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTHSQKsr28A

he didn't, he just replied to me...
he seems like a good kid but he's extremely guilty of the very thing he accuses me of doing
unfortunately he doesn't understand how burden of proof or the scientific method work, nor does he understand logic.
maybe he is right, maybe Kent hovind is right, maybe Ken ham is right, but the kid has not made a proper case so as a skeptic I must say I can't agree with his position

Just because instruments can predict your choice doesn't mean we are not making a choice. A simulation of the entire universe would predict everything, but is impossible in practice... We are not meat robots... the experience is what sets us apart from our digital friends. Your analysis?.

I disagree
the part of our personality we believe is making the choice isn't... it's simply justifying the choice we've already made.
sure, maybe we are spiritual beings that make choices but from what I see we don't have free-will at all
Liked by: MrBanksIsSaved tssf

Have you always been this confident? I hate to be a downer when asking Internet Humor Man a question, but I'm a guy with low self-esteem and I'm trying to figure out how to change that, so I'm curious if people who consider themselves "alphas" have always felt that way.

I was always an alpha I just didn't realize it
I wouldn't say I've always been as confident as I am, I used to have self esteem issues too, but there's more to being an alpha than self-worth
Liked by: Dale Williamson

I can't tell if I'm just stuck in a linguistic cul-de-sac here. If time started with the big bang and will presumably end with the universe, isn't it fair to say that the universe has both a beginning, an ending, and is also eternal? Isn't the word eternal understood because of the concept of time?

the universe probably won't end, it will burn off all of its energy and simply expand to a point where nothing will exist but dead matter, as far as we know, so no, time is likely eternal
side note, we don't know for 100% certain the universe had a beginning

Fallout 4, for all its merits, does not deserve the multiple 9/10s its reciving, why is this game so overated? is it stupidity, bad taste, corruption, or a winning combination of the 3?

Andrija Jovanovic
I find the fallout series insufferably dull, lack-luster and boring. Even for an RPG.
I really can't feel inspired
But they have a strong fan-base that only gets bigger every time they release a new product, so clearly they're doing something that people like.

I would like to do more research on the Theory of Evolution, but all this info is overwhelming. What is a good starting point?

Start on YouTube. There are a lot of amazing documentaries that cover the basics.
then from there you can figure out what specifics you want to learn.
Research only the things you're most curious about and the rest will fall in place

Saw your comment on Ethan & Hila's recent vid. Ever considered doing a video on SoFloAntonio/Content Theft?

Not really in my realm of skepticism.
Besides, Ethan has been doing an amazing job at it so far.
Liked by: Toggaf tssf

Yo wtf happened to Stephen Harris, that man is funny as fuck.

Karl Marx
Don't worry, Steve, I'll def have you in more sketches in the future.
I'll always need actors.

Do you ever plan on going to Hollywood Studios for the Star Wars attractions or are you waiting for them to build their full immersive star wars patk? Or do you see Disney simply as a money maker?

I'm not going to lie... Disney is a soulless corporation that wants to manipulate their audience to spend their hard earned sheckles on useless shit and I can't wait to see the new park

I'm an atheist but id really like to know your answer to the question, if god told us not to do certain things why did he give us the ability to do them. ps. I love you yt videos.

PpyGwin’s Profile PhotoPpy Gwin
The most common answer is it's a test. He only wants people who genuinely love him and genuinely want to follow his commands.
The shitty thing is he didn't find it very important to assure us that he even exists.

What's your take on the mind-body problem?

I hate philosophy
It's just the way our brain works. We have 3 major parts of our consciousness and the one that we think of as "me" (our personality) gives us an illusion of control, but the truth is that we don't have agency (free-will) over our brain at all... we can't even control our thoughts.
It's simply an illusion.
Using electrodes, scientists were able to determine decisions people were going to make before they even knew they would make them.
You are a meat robot.


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