
Armoured Skeptic

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What do you think about people who go "ermergerd I LUV science" when actually they mean they like pretty pictures of space?

it's true not everyone really knows what science is
bit we wouldn't HAVE those pretty pics of space if it weren't for science
Liked by: Lie and Die kame

One thing I don't get about the flat earth freaks is: where do they think the earth's borders might be? Why has nobody found them? How do they explain the fact that if you run through the Earth on a straight line you'll eventually end un on the same spot as before?

they think Antarctica wraps around the whole planet and nobody is allowed to go there so it's a perfect cover in their mind

I saw you bash The Phantom Menace in a video, and... I'm curious. Do you think less of people who love Phantom Menace? Because it happens to be my favorite Star Wars movie... :/ I know you probably think I'm joking, but I'm not.

ViktorAkesson941’s Profile PhotoViktor Åkesson
no, you're allowed to like whatever you like
I'm well aware there is a cell of hard-line star wars fans that love the prequels.
those of us who grew up with the original trilogy were hoping that the prequels would share the same spirit if the original trilogy and it didn't. we may have over reacted but we are really surprised to find out that lucas, the man we Harold as the genius behind star wars, didn't actually understand what it was that made star wars good
Liked by: Nigel Bass

Does static discharge occur because of too much negative charge or positive? In other words, when i touch metal and I get shocked, is it because I'm charged or the metal is charged?

usually you're gathering an excess of negative charge
when you touch grounded metal you're giving that negative charge back to the earth
when a lightning storm comes by it may be giving or taking charge from the earth
Liked by: Emilia Claret Rimli

Have you seen God's Not Dead, if you have that plz do a video on the movie. I asked this because my family made me see the movie before i even knew about you and your videos and the whole time i thought that it was just a big smear campaign against ideas goes doesn't agree with them.

I may do one eventually
Liked by: Michael Erik


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