
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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I know relationships are more than what meets the eye, but you and June look really great together! hope all is well! also do most tall men like short girls so they can cuddle them?

Yeah, we are really good together
I don't know what most tall men like... but usually no

do you watch/like Conan O'Brien? if you've never watched his show, I recommend looking up Triumph the Insult Comic Dog at the Weiner Circle

I used to back when he was on NBC
my favorite show he worked on was the Simpsons....

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Im a senior in highschool and i dont know if i should go to college or not i have a terrible gpa so ill probably go to community but i dont want to spend a fuck load of money im not sure if ill have a good enough job to survive with just a high school education so like what should i doo

I'm the wrong person to ask...
if you know what you want to do/be I would say find a program that will help you do that
Liked by: Richard Barajas

Some are saying you ruined everything by showing your face but I think it's the opposite because now you have more freedom and can explore different options on YT. But why are so many people so pissed off about you being good looking? Seems petty and envious.

I am glad I can show my face now.
I don't have any idea what's going on with the "ooo you're not ugly, good for you, unsub" stuff...
Liked by: Claret Rimli Emilia cid

Look son ya knows how I love you and YA new girly girl. But well I was watching home videos with her mother and well you see. I think she might be clinically insane. A good case oh lord of the rings 3 smegol addition. So let's just hope the baby making hips make up for it my boy

She is a little crazy. the right kind of crazy though.
part of the reason I love her

Dear ArmoredSkeptic, Currently I'm in the works of a poster for an art class but have plans on selling copies when it is complete. You're one of the many people who I've drawn in and wanted to ask permission to keep you in it. If you're not okay with it the project will stay strictly for class.

ImTotallyBlue’s Profile PhotoCheyenne Spencer
that's cool
I'd like you to send me a digital copy though

Would you say that documentaries about science(or wildlife) can help you understand at least the basis of things or we should be skeptical about docs? Im talking about the mainstream NatGeo or Discovery stuff.

NatGeo is legit. you should be skeptical of everything you hear on TV but those kinds of docs are pretty well informed. if you like docs like I do its a good starting point to understanding nature and the universe

Why are people unsubbing because you showed your face? What the fuck man, it just means they didn't cared at all about what you had to say. People can be so superficial.

a lot of weird things have happened since I've shown my face.
Liked by: Lamont Stewart A guy

I always see you hilariously take out bad theistic arguments, what about the more difficult and advanced ones?

if you can find me a vid that I can make funny then I will debunk it

It's World Gratitude Day! What's something you're grateful for?

My fans
My patrons
the other youtubers that I talk to
my girl
and whatever it is in the universe that has granted me such good fortune in my life

Would you consider doing your next movie review on Camp X-Ray? I saw it recently and I was curious about your thoughts and opinions

if I get time to see it, yes

If it makes you feel better, I never watched anything with your face in it. Based on some of these comments, I don't think I want to.

that ugly... eh?


Language: English