
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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I was listening to Crusader by Saxon and I now feel the need to retake the Holy Land and slay the Saracen heathen. Do you think a Crusade would solve the Israel-Palestine conflict?

a crusade would be like trying to put out a grease fire by throwing more grease on it.
Liked by: Nørdic Nikølai

The UFO question was interesting and I wanted to ask what is your general opinion about UFO sightings, conspiracies, etc. etc,

99% of the shit we see is fake
but 1% is not so easy to explain away. that 1% is enough to keep me skeptically interested

What would happen if you walk up in to the woods one day and saw a UFO that looks nothing like the aircraft we use and you manage to film it? Will you try hard to find out what it actually is? And if you do would your way of thinking change if you never find out what it is?

I would try to find out what it is, but knowing the way people don't take ufo shit seriously I would keep it to myself until I can muster up some proof.
Liked by: Milen Stoev

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May I ask why you think businesses should be allowed to not serve someone if they are gay? Great video by the way.

that is not what I said.
bigotry is illegal.
this is one of those places where two laws try to occupy the same space and contradict eachother
I said a business owner should be allowed to chose who he does and doesn't do business with.
as long as he doesn't use this as an excuse to act bigoted then he should be fine
its not illegal to be a bigot, it's illegal to do bigoted things
subtle difference
Liked by: Anderson

How does one deal with failure and regret?

in time you may find it led to something good
I can't regret anything because I'm happy and successful now and I wouldn't be if I hadn't failed on the past.
Liked by: Claret Rimli Emilia

I find Nut at the Museum to be a particularly distressing video, as it directly shows a willingness to avoid information that is present and exceedingly easy to access. Did you find one of the videos to which you have responded to be particularly disturbing?

Tekky99’s Profile PhotoTekky99
the dragon unicorn vid... how that kid manages to tie his own shoes...

Sometimes feminists do have a sense of humor: "Men are 99% animals and 1% human, but the human part is the one causing all the problems."

that is funny actually
Liked by: Claret Rimli

What political ideology do you identify most with? What are your thoughts on Socialist Anarchism?

I don't really.
I'm more liberal on most things, but just barely.
why is anarchism so popular?
Liked by: Claret Rimli

So I'm learning about the Big Bang in physics, and they say that all of the matter were compressed in one Hot and Dense singularity. What is this singularity? Also i was l lead to believe that time has always existed so how did this singularity supposedly create time? Thanks for any help. ~Matt ;)

First off, that is the most accepted theory but it's not the only explication. not every physicist believes there ever was a singularity in the beginning. but it's not impossible either. some things seem to be older than the universe suggesting 5he universe may have collapsed in on itself and shot out again and evolved, maybe several times.
space and time are connected, so if space is compressed in a tiny speck then time would have no meaning in that speck
Liked by: Claret Rimli

Where did all the matter in the universe came from? The way i look at it is that the big bang (if there ever was a big bang) was caused by something far more complex than "god" and our minds just cannot fathom what it is.

it came from energy that was compressed as it passed through a higs boson field. duh.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

Saw you video if you reached 500k subscribers you would show your face, what if we compromise and say 250k? ;) so it would go some faster i think you will have 500k in 1 and an half year and thats is so long from here... Plz agree with 250k subscribers <3

no. 1 million
your plan backfired
Liked by: Claret Rimli Emilia

Here's a question for you: Do you think the character Ron Swanson is a sociopath?

not a clinical one, no. he shows emotion too often.

what does it mean to say "this muslim is a true muslim and this muslim is false" when islam isn't true?

as an argument against "a real Muslim wouldn't kill innocents" thats a pretty damn good one

jet fuel can't melt steel beams, but can it see why so many kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?

that was a good one


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