
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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Does that mean that we might see your avatar of Sir Skeptalot getting 'Hulk-ified' if you get bigger?

No, the avatar has always been more slender than me.

I remember you saying that you were working out more. What exactly are you doing? Weight loss or Muscle building? What sort of routine do you do?

Mostly weight loss. I have lots of muscle mass to spare, but I will likely go to muscle gain once I'm happy with my weight.
At-least once a day I take a hard bike-ride through the woods, I walk a lot and I'm doing more horseback riding.
If I get bored I do push-ups and play with a punching bag, maybe even jog, which I hate, but it has been feeling really good lately.
Liked by: Emilia Rebecca

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If I follow you, who else do you recommend I follow on ask.fm?

I have no idea. I only follow a couple people.
I just use this site to interact with followers.

What do you think about all that Kurt Cobains suicide case and how some people say he was "killed" etc. ?

They've been saying that since day 1, they've just never had the technology to prove it.

What is the best way to deal with loneliness?

Thats a hard one.
I wrap myself up in my projects until its all I can think about.
Liked by: Emilia

Do you like living in Ontario? - Fellow Canadian deciding whether or not the Job market would support me moving over there post uni.

I love it here, but it's not as friendly as some of the other provinces.

Thoughts on Edward Snowden and his leaks?

I am not 100% sure that what he did was right, but I am still glad he did it.

I have tried to put together a time line based on info you have shared, and it seems off. Did you meet and marry while you were in a cult?

I met her when I was still religious, but I didn't join the cult until just before we married.
Liked by: Rebecca

I don't know you but am still saddened at the thought of you ending you marriage. Do you think you and she will be able to be civil and amicable? I know I would be beyond hurt if my husband chose youtube or me.

Youtube was just the final line in the sand. it was years of manipulation, passive aggressive behavior, emotional abuse and a total lack of support for my passions.
I do feel sad... but she chose to threaten to kick me out for going full-time, and I chose to take that as a sign that we were wrong for eachother.

Kudos to you sticking to you what you love doing, I'm just sorry that came with your marriage as sacrifice. But I guess when people change, sometimes others aren't willing to change with them. Best of luck to you! P.S Is YouTube your full time job now?

Just waiting for the website to go live and for my car to get delivered and my application for a new apartment to get approved... then I am ready to give my notice to my boss.

On VeganAtheist I saw one of the stupid comments was actually hard to answer... and VA didn't even answer it properly himself. The gist of it is "Ages ago, we didn't know what bacteria was, but it existed." and he/she basically compared this to God. How would you respond?

TheNewPerson’s Profile PhotoAdam
But it's effects were measurable. God's effects are not


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