
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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Do you like Archer?

I've liked the first three season enough. I don't know if I feel like watching the rest yet.
Liked by: Emilia

Do you watch Bob's Burgers? If not, I definitely recommend it.

I've seen one, seems ok.
I love H. Jon Benjamin but this show just hasn't hit my funny-bone yet.
Liked by: Emilia

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Do you think that other universes or realities have the same laws of physics, (Exactly the same.) if so, then how could it be possible for them to be different in any sense, since the 'start' and preceding events would happen exactly the same?

A) There is no way to know if other universes exist
B) There is no way to even understand what that means if they do
C) There is no way to know if their laws would be the same or even if atoms would be the same.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

Do you speak any other languages besides English?

A little french (Mostly I can understand it but I don't generally speak it too well.)
Even less German (same deal)
and a tiiiiiiiiiiny bit of Cantonese I picked up from my Chinese friend growing up.
Liked by: Emilia

If a god had a morality that could be defined as evil, would it be possible to allow good, thus breaking the Epicurean Paradox?

That paradox requires god to have the characteristics assigned to him by Christianity, ie: all good, all powerful.
As soon as you say god is evil you defy the paradox.

How did you come up with the name Armoured Skeptic? I get the Skeptic part, but why the armoured? It's cool

There were a lot of things.
A) I am a medieval geek.
B) I wanted to troll the "white knight" community by making myself a black (tie) knight
C) It's a reference to the part of the bible that talks about the Armour of God
Liked by: Emilia

How did you find Shoe0nHead and Sargon?

Shoe had one of her videos used in a Thunderf00t video (maybe a couple times) so I discovered her at about the same time as everyone else.
I used to be friends with a feminist who did a video complaining about Sargon and I loved him ever since.

Do you think the basic idea of Eugenics is ethically wrong? Which I guess depends on what you base ethics on entirely, I conflict internally on whether to base them off of a sense pragmatism for survival, or individual happiness in a humanistic sense.

Not at it's base, no. Eugenics can be used for good.
But it's one of those things that is probably best left un-touched until we can master the genome.

What is the extent of your education? If you went to College/University, what did you study?

I studied biology only as an extra credit.
My majors were film and art.

I'm gonna be straight up. I am a very mature and open minded 15 year old. Atheist of course. Considering the thought of any theistic mumbojumbo is completely illogical and makes me sick. I watch you and mrrepzion regularly and really want to follow in your footsteps and share my thoughts via YouTube

Cool. Just make sure to have fun on camera.
Liked by: Emilia

If u knew how to box (or if u already know how to box) would u box Uwe Boll with your helmet on?

No. too hard to see and he is a psychopath

I'm confused. And the internet ain't helping. What exactly is agenda pushing.

What I'm referring to is his ultra liberal positions. He is "pushing" his ideals by presenting them as news.
Liked by: Sem Abraham

What do you think of Adam Good Goy Baldwin?

I think he's a real defender of freedom... I'd say I'd shake his hand if I met him, but ifs are for children.

I was told to come here by Shoe. What is the meaning of life?

Meaning is subjective. To say life has a meaning implies that it was formed for a reason... this is simply not the case.
You have to give your own life meaning yourself. Decide what life means to you.
I've decided the meaning of my life is to find purpose, and I feel closer and closer to that goal every day.

When you're faced with a claim or model, is there a process (thought or otherwise) that you go through in order to explore what is being proposed before you decide whether or not to believe it? I've asked this question to AronRa and others and I'd like to know you're response CAUSE I RESPECT U DAWG!

Yes, for sure.
I decide if it conforms to modern theories and if it doesn't, does it replace any without contradiction
Liked by: Aziz Merman


Language: English