
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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religious people keep using the idea of thermodynamics therefore the universe couldn't have come from nothing, but who's to say physics even applied before the birth of the universe. there was no where for physics to exist

A) We don't know how physics work in a singularity (if such a thing is possible)
B) It's possible the universe always existed and when it was smaller the rules were different (quantum physics says gravity repels in an ultra-dense universe)
C) It's possible the universe is the result of a reaction in Hyperspace, and again, we don't know quite how the physics work there, but that one doesn't defy thermodynamics.

do you think the loch ness monster is real?

It's one of the more likely of the unproven monsters, but what have I taught you about skepticism... unless there is reason to believe something I must remain skeptical

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Thinking about shopping centres you visit, which do you visit most regularly? Why ?

There's only one real mall in my city. I don't go very often.
I like the market and small shops in the city center

I've often heard theists say that everything must have come from something else (e.g. the Universe) but when I ask them where God came from they say he's always been here. How does that make any sense?

They're trying to trip you up by using science against your reasoning but they accidentally procure their own gods existence in the process. that's funy

How do YOU think the universe began? or do you not think about it?

I think that it was the result of a reaction in hyperspace. some scientists believe there was no bang, some believe it always existed
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

Do you think that the people that created Christianity wanted to rule the world? I mean the 7 deadly sins are pretty much basic human nature.

Pienotava’s Profile PhotoPienotava
Not the original version, no. It was originally created as a religion for oppressed people trying to rise above their oppressors.
The Roman Catholic version, yes. That's where the 7 sins come from
Liked by: Marina Swanson

Although i don't believe in a god, i have always this habbit of believing there is something out there that science cannot explain. Is it dumb to think this way?

that's called deism. it's normal

you don't have to respond to this but I didn't say you thought they existed, I said existed as a concept as in legend.

right. gotcha

Why do people believe in God in the first place?

Because they don't want to accept they're insignificant and that they will die one day
Liked by: Emilia

About the vampires, do you believe Porphyria is the reason vampires exist as a concept today?

Right, that's the one.
No, never said they existed. the legends probably came from that though

Do you believe that vampires exist?

No. Fuck no.
There is reason to believe that people with blood conditions drank blood, but that's about it.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

So what made you wanna make videos in the first place? Because stupid christians where talking bullshit and you wanted to make fun of there stupidity?

My channel is just for the lawls.
Having just come out of Atheism+ I was pretty raw. I originally made this channel to troll SJWs and A+ers who refused to accept people that have different opinions from them.
Then it kinda turned into a Skeptic channel... I made one "atheist" video and now all my subs want "atheist" videos...
I still get to make fun of idiots and I get to have my lawls.

So I've lived my whole life forced to Christianity by my parents, an when i turn 18 i plan on telling my parents that i do not believe They will most likely take me to their pastor an try to get him to convert me back ni would not know what to say so was wondering if you could give me some resources

I wish I could help, but I don't have any experience with this. I had moved out when I became atheist, and even if I hadn't my parents probably wouldn't have really cared.
Watch this. It's pretty popular.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXDy1gVcWCcArmouredSkeptic’s Video 128029501019 iXDy1gVcWCcArmouredSkeptic’s Video 128029501019 iXDy1gVcWCc
If you ask me, if your parents will freak out and force you to do more church, I would say wait until you are able to move out on your own.

I don't care what anyone says, Zelda 2 was an ok game.

I think people hate it because it's different. But different is good.
Look at Call of Duty, hasn't changed since MW2...

Did T-Rexs have feathers?

It seems like it did, yes.
Maybe not as fabulous a display as the raptor, but some coverage on the face, arms, back and tail.


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