
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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I know it sounds selfish, but if your relationship does come to her clipping your wings, I hope you fly with us.

Ha, well... I lose a lot if I do...
But videos and comedy are my passion. I doubt I would be able to give up my passion.

Your videos really grab me. Because you always are more concerned about truth rather than political correctness. I also like how you're not an anti-theist. Some of the anti-theists like CultofDusty or JaclynGlenn are kind of annoying. But you're more professional and polite about it. Keep it up!

Thanks a lot.
Atheism and the god question don't really interest me too much on their own, but I love rubbing idiots noses in their nonsense and having a good laugh while I do it.
Liked by: Emilia

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What are your thoughts on Anita Sarkeesian and Christina Hoff Sommers?

Anita is a tool, a second mouth-piece for Macintosh to spread his *extreme* left nonsense.
CHS is a second wave feminist trying to reconcile 3rd wave feminists with reality... quite the up-hill battle
Liked by: Liam Fay

Sucks to hear that you & your wife fight about YouTube. If it's not prying too much, why do your YouTube activities bother her so much? How much time do you spend doing them?

The best I can do is describe it through simile.
It's like when someone buys a parrot. The owner and the pet create a bond and begin to love eachother and everything seems fine.
Then then the owner finds out that parrots like to fly, and for some reason that had never crosses the owners mind.
The parrot flues a couple times, comes home and tells the owner how much he loves to fly.
The owner gets so nervous that the parrot will love flying more than her and one day leave her to fly around the world, so as a response she clips his wings.
He never flies again. He learns to resent the owner so she spends the rest of her days convincing him that his cage is the best thing in the world.

Do you watch the Cinema Snob?

Yup. Seen about half of his vids.
He's the only interesting character on Thatguywiththeglasses.
Well... Nostalgia chick isn't so bad but she gets too political sometimes.

Does your wife like armored skeptic?

Not in the least. I don't think she's seen a single video all the way through.
She doesn't even like sense of humour. I don't remember the last time she laughed at one of my jokes. Probably before we were married?
I actually didn't even realize I was funny until I started the skeptic channel. I'm glad I did ease I've met so many people that I am fans of, people who make me think and laugh, and now they're my friends. I couldn't be happier about that!
We argue a lot about youtube actually. She thinks it's a waste of my time. I have a feeling it will come to a head one day and I'll have to choose her or you folks...

What do you think of the Messianic Manic?

Seems like a cool guy.
He focuses a lot on the god question, which I find kinda boring.

What would you say, if i told you, that i watch your videos every day because i find them relaxing?

I would tell you there are better video creators out there for that.

I love Canada and am 100% sure that I will be living there, what city would you say is the best?

I like my city a lot, Kingston.
If you like big cities though, Ottawa or Vancouver. Ottawa is cheaper to live in.

Have you ever asked yourself ''how is everything so normal''? How is everything the way it is the builldings the people? I mean i'm 17 haven't lived long enough don't know much about stuff and i know science can explain almost everything around me. But how is everything so... normal?

Yes, I used to ask those questions when I was high... on the smack.
Liked by: Emilia

How often do you pay attention to American politics? If at all who is your favourite/least favourite cannidate

A couple times a week I'll check in on the race.
Gotta tell you, I hate all the candidates so far.
Bernie Sanders doesn't seem like the worst choice at the moment.

>Canada has good policies >implying Canada can literally do ANYTHING right >implying Canada doesn't breed social justice warriors like crazy >implying the forced political correctness won't turn Canada into a 3rd world shit hole in 20-30 years

Wow, bitter much?
What does any of that have to do with gun restrictions?
Liked by: Claret Rimli

Do you think we will ever be able to achieve interstellar travel? Or do you think that we wont last that long?

Who knows. We've squandered our resources.
I am hopeful that we will, but I doubt we'll last that long.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

Tech question: Do you think we could ever develop devices along the lines of active camo (like in Predator/Halo) or anything similar?

We have already designed something similar, but I doubt that we will achieve something we can wear.
Liked by: Claret Rimli


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