
Armoured Skeptic

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You seem like a pretty down to earth guy just doing his thing, so how does it feel to have so many people (for the lack of a better term) rally behind you and what your doing?

It's weird... and I still don't understand why.
I thought I would get 3k subs tops.
I was pretty sure the Youtube Atheist video thing had died down and everyone had moved on.

Hypothetical case: IF the Christian God were shown irrefutably to exist, would you still worship him/it?

Hmmm... maybe. It depends on whether hell exists or not.
Hell exists, yes, I would be a little bitch and follow. If no hell, then no. I wouldn't want to spend an eternity worshiping some narcissist.
Liked by: Cameron Doherty

Have you ever gone to comic con or vid con in your armour?

No, not yet, but I certainly plan to.
I have to absolutely sure that the mods I made to the helm will be comfortable enough for extended wearing.
Liked by: Noah lavine

What is your opinion on Caitlyn Jenner?

I don't really have one. Should I have one...?
I don't know much about her, other than the news won't shut the fuck up about her sex change.
Liked by: Emilia Noah lavine

Alot of stricter people seem to KNOW that the world will end in their lifetime, and want jesus to come back blabla. They think they're sooo special, as special as snowflakes in a blizzard. Why does every religious person seem to feel the need to be personally connected with god, or being ''special''

Christians have been saying the world will end in their lifetime for over 2000 years. It's not new.
They are caught up in the fantasy of their imaginary superhero friend coming down from the clouds and rescuing them from their miserable existence.

What do you think about the "spirt"? Do you think we have a "spirt"? Not in the religious way but more in the yoga/spiritual way.

The idea of a spirit is the idea that we are better than our bodies, smarter than our bodies, older than our bodies, and we just aren't.

Why would a country even permitt over 5000 to die in a construction?

You mean Qatar.
It's a slave state.
The average resident is not allowed to leave the country, not allowed to own a business, not allowed to look for jobs. Their passport is held hostage and they're forced to work.
There are no employee standards, so they work in dangerous conditions and it's very common for a worker to die on the job.

lol, the word "duffel bag" cracks me up, "duffel" if you sound it out sounds so funny Duffel Duffel Duffel, can't even believe that's a real word, I bet you can't say duffel without laughing

OK, you caught me, I am unhappy with my personal life... God, get off my back about it.

Will Qatar lose its World Cup bid?

I hope it does, because there will be an estimated 5000+ worker deaths related to the construction of the infrastructure.
I don't know though...

Odd question, but, do you like Death metal?

A very small amount of it.
Logicked introduced me to a couple songs and groups that I liked.
Liked by: Noah lavine

I'm morbidly curious, what do you think is the most likely way that the universe will "end", if it does at all?

"Heat" death. Every atom spread across the universe in near-perfect entropy for eternity.
Liked by: Emilia Noah lavine

Im thinking about doing a series on my channel called Canidate Reviews where I critic and review all the republican canidates running in the USA for president. Do you think that could be a good Idea?

Noahlavine’s Profile PhotoNoah lavine
Sounds tedious, but that may be because I find American politics boring.
Do what you love
Liked by: Noah lavine


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