
Armoured Skeptic

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#moltensteel #beamscutatbase #iDontUnderstand #onlyFreeFallBuildongrecordedAsNOTBeingcontrolledDemo #plsExplain #iWantToBelieveU

If the building was free-falling, why was the debris falling off the side falling even faster?
Watch MylesPowers' playlist about debunking 9/11 conspiracies.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nN3qUXJp7l0&list=PLthPsWmE3cefpc2sBzI9gamfS9eJRdgEKArmouredSkeptic’s Video 127634525531 nN3qUXJp7l0ArmouredSkeptic’s Video 127634525531 nN3qUXJp7l0
I too am skeptical of some of the details about the "who" and the "why" of it all, but like I said, the "how" has not been proven to be anything but what we've seen on TV.

Do you have plans to do a video on any of Lord Steven Christ's uploads? That would be amazing. :)

Maybe... His shit is hilarious.

Why are Christians so forgiving of the Duggar family? "He repented, leave him alone."

I have no frickin' clue...
Maybe they truely believe god forgave him...?
Christians are not very good at eating their own, even when they've been proven to be depraved, liars and psychopaths.
Liked by: Emilia

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My family is very religious, and I mean praying before dinner, church every sunday, and that god created earth in a mature state. Im an atheist my self but I dont know how my family would react, usually they are very accepting but they still think that noone can be moral without a god :/ help me?:(

Most people I suggest you just stick it out until you are old enough to move out, unless you absolutely want to argue with your family and make a stand.
Family is too important to create scisms over beliefs.
That being said, you should probably Guage them on the idea of it. ask them what they think of agnostics and atheists, people who are open to believing but don't feel they have enough proof.

Do you think warp drives are really possible?

Yes BUT the amount of energy required to run it could be as high as 1 - 10 suns.
As far as we know today it is impossible to create that amount of energy, and it is impossible to contain that amount of energy.
Who knows, we may figure it out in a few hundred years, but it's more likely that we will figure out a more viable form of transportation.
Liked by: Hobbes Youngblood

How can you say "all of time is determined"? first of all, you're implying you know the future has already happened, second, you're implying you know that there's only 1 universe where only one decision could possibly be made

You're asserting that quantum physics/mechanics has been established as being true, which it has not.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

Hi there. Last night I tried to engage a YT video author about his video, I was respectful and only spoke about the science in his video. I was met with a lot of dodging and personal attacks instead of a polite conversation. Would you ever try having a general chat in a video with one of these guys?

You mean a hangout video.
Maybe. People want me to debate, and I get why that would be interesting to see, but I am having my doubts about how much demand there is for that. If I got a LOT of interest, because that's time I would rather spend making content.

Was 9/11 a conspiracy?

No, it happened almost exactly the way the media told us.
The reason it seems like a conspiracy is because the Bush family was part of the reason the US was attacked and George W. didn't want to implicate himself as Bin-Laden's motivation.
George W. is such a bad liar though, it looked like he was trying to cover up the whole thing.

Is everything except quantum world deterministic?

Oh shit... getting deep into the philosophy here.
The future is set, yes. There is no changing it. All of time is determined, BUT it is/was/will be determined by our actions and decisions.
Just because we have no control over the decisions we make, doesn't mean our actions are not what determines the future.
Some people go as far as to say we're just witnessing life, like we're watching a movie play-out. In a way, that's somewhat true, but our meat-robot bodies do have an affect on our surroundings and we are determining the future, even if we can't CHANGE the future.

Will you accept the Flying Spaghetti Monster and allow him to enter your heart? If you believe in him you will go to heaven and get infinite spaghetti when you die but you won't if you don't believe in him so you should believe because spaghetti is fucking awesome.

People keep asking me this.
I get it, it's funny, but organized groups based on religion are no different from religion.

Do any of the people you do videos on ever contact you or do some kind of retort to yours?

Only Godrules. But he is only doing it to get attention.
Liked by: Damien

Do you like star wars, if so do you prefer episodes IV through VI or I through III. Aaand Jedi or Sith.

Entity404’s Profile PhotoSem Abraham
I am a huge fan of the original trilogy. I don't even mind most of the updates.
Episode V is one of the best movies of all time.
The prequels are... pretty bad but I don't mind them as much as most people. They have some decent nuggets in them.
Sith, I guess. I've always prefer ed Vader and the Stormtroopers over Luke and the Rebels, but Han and Chewie are awesome too.

Would you say that it's possible everything Jesus said according to the Bible is just legend that's been attributed to him by the Bible's authors?

There is no proof that the Jesus of the bible existed, but there is reason to believe that parts of the story are about specific people who did try to fight the Roman occupation of Israel by acting as a decedent of David

Is time also expanding?

Space and time are connected. It's likely the bigger space gets the slower time moves.
But because time affects everything there is no way of measuring it. Time is completely relative to the observer.


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