
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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I'd like your opinion on the idea of writing an alagory depicting the atrocities of organized religion--flaws in logic and philosophy--and other problems with religion. As a means to bypass the shield religious nuts put up against logic.

Spiral Aim
One of those alagories already exists, it's called the book of Mathew.
But, yeah, go ahead and write a newer, hipper alagorie

What are your views on religions like Sikhism or Taoism?

Delusional but overall quite benign.
I find them less offensive to my intelegence.
Sikhism is one of the nicer religions, but I don't understand why it has any rules at all considering it's idea of god has never ordered them to do anything.
Liked by: Vlad Claret Rimli

When are you up loading another video to youtube? and are you doing anymore armoured review videos?

I just made one for MrRepzion. He should be uploading it this month.
I will start making a new one this week for my channel.
Yes, likely, but not until I get a shit-ton of spare time. Those reviews are hard to make and I can only dedicate so much time to making videos each month right now.
The number one most requested thing I make is reply videos...
Liked by: Jack Boro

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Hello! Did you ever have a job before Youtube? And also (completely unrelated) do you have any pets?

Yes. I have a career position right now, actually, but I'll be moving on to full-time youtuber in a few months.
2 dogs, a cat and 2 horses.
Liked by: Emilia Vlad

Do you follow DarkMatter2525? His latest animated video is one of the best parodies of contemporary society I've seen.

IvanoviciVlad’s Profile PhotoVlad
Yes, that video was quite good!

Why do religious folk want to force their way of life on to non-believers? Are they trying to drag us back into the Dark Ages?

I can't speak for all of them, but the Christians don't want to be destroyed for living in a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah.

Hi Armoured Skeptic, could you please tell me the name of the song you play when you "ask the irony police to arrest someone". I love your show man, greetings from Argentina (If this is the second time you get this thing, sorry i didn´t know if you´d get the first one. I really got this song stuck)

Lordsteevenson’s Profile PhotoRoberto
It's from a 1970s tv show called "What's Happening"
terrible show... terrible...

Not exactly atheism related, but what is your opinion on self-harm? I can't help but assuming that you as a logical person most likely think as I do, that it is extremely stupid, but do you think it's okay to do it?

Self harm is dumb.
I get why people do it though. It shouldn't be illegal, but someone who does it should be taken in fir therapy and observation
Liked by: Vlad

If you had to choose between Aldous Huxley or George Orwell, which science fiction writer would you choose to read for the rest of your life? And why?

Orwell, because his ideas were so strange, yet so accurate that it really makes me think

In the video where Deconvertedman appeared he said that initially you though of being the Armoured Super Skeptic, but you decided to drop Super because you didn't want to be an ASS. Is that true?


Even though, as an atheist, do you enjoy the tales from religion? I myself enjoy Norse mythology, Greek Mythology, and most of those old school ones. But a lot of people bug me about it, saying that Germanic and Hellenic isn't real and are just stories. So yeah, which is enjoyable to you?

I enjoy some mythos. Norse is my fave too.
I even have appreciation for the bible as a work of historical fictional art.

Weed. What do you think about it? How do you think they should law it? My state has sticks up there ass' about it and I think it's annoying. Do you smoke it?

WassupBro_69’s Profile PhotoChappy Moore
I am with Colorado. Make it legal but regulate it.
I wouldn't say I'm a smoker, but I have smoked it. My experience is that it's less dangerous that booze, but like anything, becomes dangerous in excess.
Liked by: Chappy Moore

Just so you know, I very much appreciate you answering everyone's questions on here. It makes my day when I go on this app because of you. I'm sorry if that made you blush but I think you'll be fine since you have that awfully sexy helmet.

Yeah, my helmet covers up a lot of embarrassing reactions
Liked by: Jack Boro

Do you know what your IQ is? Judging from your videos and the way you speak I'd guess 140-150

No idea.
When I was in high school I was told it was 133, but in college I was told over 145... I doubt the validity of both tests though.
The whole time I was taking them, I kept thinking to myself "thats a misleading way of asking a question" or "I know the answer is A, bit the test will want to answer B."
A lot of modern IQ tests only focus on one form of problem-solving skill-set. Being dislexic I knew the test would penalize me for time taken to read.
Liked by: Vlad

The proof that God is a woman is the way she overreacts if you ignore her, like burning you for eternity and shit.

I don't know... because God forgives you for your past sins...

I have a Biology teacher that is a creationist. I dont want her to get fired, because shes a good person and a great teacher, but she has down played Darwin several times in class, and clearly does not understand evolution very well anyway. How would you handle this situation?

I would talk to her and ask her why she doesn't believe evolution is true, then teach her how we know it's fact...
But I am pretty confident with my knowledge. I don't know how you personally can teach her.

(imo) Religion isn't bad cause of it "starting" a lot of wars. It's manly people using religion to manipulate it's followers that starts the wars, extremist mostly. So I don't really wanna blame the religion for the war more the extremist abusing their faith. What's your input on this if I may ask?

Well, I don't know that anyone really believes that religious differences are the actual cause of conflict, only the thing that divides the opponents.
All the most famous religious wars were over land, resources and power, not about religious differences.
That being said though, it is still accurate to say the religious views started it because their religious differences were why they couldn't come to peaceful terms.

I've always been an atheist as in never thinking that anything Bible related is true. Honestly I never even considered the possibility. However, my local church and activities associated were close to me all my childhood. Do you ever feel sad/depressed about how little we matter in the "big picture"

Sometimes, but as long as I make my life worth my while then that's good enough for me.
Liked by: Marina Swanson

What are your thoughts on folks who claim reality isn't real and those that claim free will is an illusion?

Both concepts have merit.
It's possible we're all in the Matrix, though to state that as fact is rediculous.
It's possible we have no real "free" will, because our mind is broken down into several parts, and the part we think gives us agency over ourselves may just be a justification system. Let me explain in the simplest of terms.
It's possible if we are given a choice, our subconscious mind works out our options and the possible outcomes, then makes the decision as to what to do, then our conscious mind justifies the decision making it seem like we made the decision consciously. But, does that really mean we don't have free will? I don't know... even if our mind makes all decisions like a robot would, I am not sure that means the robot mind wasn't free in it's decision making.

How would you feel if I animated your best/funniest reactions from your current videos (For instance, Megan Fox stating that "there are no missing links" and you had a big laughing fit)? P.S. Are you going to make more Megan Fox vidoes? I'd like to see that.

Yes, please do!
She just released a new one where she goes to the creation museum... I am sure I will cover that.

When they start tossing out pseudoscience to explain biblical events as fact, and you're able to refute it logically, do you know everything you're going to say or do you look it up first and study on how its wrong?

The vast majority of my responses are based on information I had already studied a long time ago, but at least once per video I have to research something new.

Anyway, for real. You are awesome and have come so far with this. You have helped me as a person live with people being bigots to Atheists, and your comedy has helped me greatly as well. Thank you for all that you have done.

Robert Stanton
Thanks a lot!
Liked by: Emilia


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