
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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You regularly have over 100k views but you have <100k subscribers. Why do you think your videos have so many window shoppers? Is audience retention something you want to improve? This sounds like a self-help TV advert.

It would be nice to have more subs, but I like having more views than subs. That's rare. I prefer that over the reverse.
MrRepzion, for example, has over 420,000 subs but most of his latest vids have between 20,000 and 50,000 views. I would much rather be relevant than popular.

I've noticed a trend in several atheist groups that want to essentially ban religion, i.e. not being able to pray in public, wear religious symbols, etc. What is your stance on that?

That's militant atheism.
I do not support that concept.

Would you consider outsourcing the editing so that you have time to make more videos? Thanks, big fan. -KM

Oh yeah, I'd love to outsource any number of the steps I have to do.
I am not nearly successful enough to even consider doing that right now.

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Is your armored skeptic theme a play on the armor of God? (Ephesians 6:10-18)

I explain that in my first video.

I just recently got a job, if I was to buy your reasonistproducts T-shirt does any of the proceeds go to you? Also how many people are you short on Patreon to be able to become a professional YouTuber?

Yes, about 25% goes to me.
I don't know exactly, but maybe around 50 - 200.
The trick to doing this full-time will be convincing my wife it's a good idea to drop my benefits from my current job.

What are your top 5 favorite Atheist YouTube channels? (Armoured skeptic is disqualified for obvious reasons)

Atheism is Unstoppable
Bible Reloaded
Creationist Cat
Bob Smeerfak
Liked by: Emilia Liam Fay

How would you describe a skeptic? Because someone just said Skeptics are people who doubt we and the universe actually exist.

Skeptics are people who refuse to believe ANYTHING without convincing evidence, including the universe, yes, but that goes for literally everything.
Liked by: Emilia

What movie are you going to be reviewing next on Armoured Media?

AwkwardGuyFromGTMS’s Profile PhotoI Dont Know...
I wanted to do Mad Max, but my team couldn't be bothered to watch it.
So I think the next one we'll be ripping on Melissa McCarthy's new movie, Spy, coming out next month.

If you had the chance to go on talk shows on TV or attend conventions and talk on a panel would you do it? And if you said yes would you still embrace the character or let yourself be known?

Likely, yes, assuming it is worth my time.
Yes, I would stay in-character.
Liked by: Julian Pupo

Are you logiked or do you know him?

No, why would I make two of the same channel...? Who has time for that?
We've never met in person but we've chatted several times.
Liked by: Marina Swanson

What are your thoughts on Sam Harris?

I like Sam. He's level headed and a lot smarter than me. Though he advocates we have objective morality, which I disagree with

Do you think that corporations and business should have the right to refuse service to people based on religious beliefs and other biases?

You're making it to specific. I think a business owner who is not receiving government money should not be forced to do business with someone he/she does not want to do business with for ANY reason. Saying a bakery owned by one person MUST sell cakes to everyone for any reason sounds... totalitarian, communist, fact, take your pick.

I'm an atheist and often hear the question "why are you afraid to know God?" Would "because he sends people to a place of eternal torture for not believing in him" be a valid response?

No, then you admit he may exist. Ask why they're afraid to know Allah, Buddha, Santa, Easter bunny.
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

If theists kept their beliefs to themselves and do not try to impose them upon others (e.g. trying to stop gays getting married or teaching creationism in science classes) would you have less problem with religion? (although I understand this scenario is unrealistic)

You just perfectly described the type of theists I like. I don't have a problem with religion, I have a problem with the religious, specifically those who make it their business to impose their nonsense on others.
Liked by: Claret Rimli Art

How do you think the universe came to be? Made from nothing ( like the nothing Laurance Krauss and Steven Hawkin talk about) Is eternal like new quantum equations and models suggest. Or came from a multiverse? Or other?

I have absolutely no idea. I don't have a strong enough working knowledge of physics to answer that.
If I had to guess I would say we are part of a multi-verse, but that's an intuitive answer and if I know anything about the Universe, the goings-on in the creation of universes surpasses intuition.
Liked by: Emilia

How do you feel about death? Do you feel that your current convictions will remain once you've reached your final chapter?

No idea... it depends on weather or not I see real evidence that a god exists.

Do you think that Russia is currently or in the near future a threat to Post-Soviet states or to any other European countries?

Yes and No.

Why are you Canadian? :D Actually, on a serious note, I'd like to know what it is that prompts you to argue/debunk God. Do you just like to argue (Heck, I know I do), or is there something else? Are you looking to educate Christians? Is there some mysterious other reason?

My purpose is not to debunk or argue against the existence of a god. That is an argument that bores me, to be honest, and don't really bother with it.
What I want to do is reach out to people who are like I was, on-the-fence about religion and science.
Plus I want to entertain, which I think is my strength.
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

Some YouTube atheists say they would like to see a world without religion altogether, preferably in the near future. Do you think that religion should, or would, ever disappear?

David Dalton
I would love a world without religion, but that is unrealistic. I've come to realize that there are people out there who just don't have the constitution required to be an atheist.

Have you ever had any spiritual experiences or pondered if there's anything out there besides our universe just for the hell of it?

I thought I did, back in the day, but I now know that was only my emotions and my brain playing tricks on me.
Of course I do, I think about other dimensions and universes all the time.
Liked by: Emilia

Why are so many religious people offended just by my being an atheist? Is it just ignorance of what atheism is? I would like your opinion. Love your videos!

No, it's the same reason there are activists who are offended by people who don't buy into their cause.
There are people who not only ascribe to an ideal or philosophy or idea, they IDENTIFY AS their philosophy, ideal or idea. Just refusing to believe what they believe (as far as they are concerned) is an insult against their identity.
Sure, there is likely some misinformation spinning around their head about what an atheist is, but even if you split those hairs you'd likely get the same response.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

Would ever consider doing a public forum style debate. I.e organizing a get together to discuss atheism, religion, evolution, etc. where you and a group of selected individuals (of various backgrounds) make your arguments live for all to see?

Maybe, but the logistics of such a thing are beyond my skill-set.
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

Ex-theist here. I ran into an old high school friend at a party who had recently gone through a break up with her 10 year boyfriend and became a HARDCORE super Christian. No matter how logical I was she kept saying "I have faith" like it was the only answer she needed. How would you handle this?

She's right, faith is all she needs.
It's not really your job to "fix" her. Sure, she's wrong, but as long as she can respect your position you can respect yours.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

As an inspiring paleontologist, I can't help but to be impressed by some of the knowledge of prehistory and evolution you've shown in some of your videos. Out of curiosity, how did you become interested in this scientific field and what's your favorite topic within it?

I don't know, I've always been a geek.
But becoming atheist was a huge catalyst. I wanted to learn just how wrong I was.
Cosmology is my fave... at the moment.


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