
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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What is your stance on discriminator actions, as in free speech and freedom on association. Do you think that anyone should be able to discriminate against anybody for any reason just because we have those rights as free persons, or do you think that these anti-discrimination laws are justified?

Discrimination should be illegal, but should also have to be proven with motive.
Freedom of speech is almost a completely different issue, but as offensive as "discriminatory" language can be, it shouldn't be illegal to speak it, only to act on it.
Liked by: Nathan French Laneta

Why do people always ask me: "If we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?" Every single time someone religious asks me that, I immediately hit them with my biology book. What other responses will be effective?

If you came from your parents, why are there still your parents?
If your ancestors came from Europe, why is there still Europe?

Are you and Finite Atticus friends in real life? You are both great but when you make vids together you guys are awesome!

No, we've only ever talked online, but we like each-other's stuff.
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

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I'm an atheist, but I'm no expert in evolution, I want to know so how does camouflage exist? There are lots of creatures that look like sticks or leaves. They don't do this consciously, so are they just lucky (the ones that aren't camouflaged die) or what? [If you don't know, where could I find out?

Yup, lucky.
You're right, they wouldn't know how or why they were surviving, but the traits that made them look like plants would get passed on to their children and the changes kept happening until they looked exactly like plants.

Hello from England! Just wondering, would you ever consider publishing a book? Because I would buy the shit out of that and buy a copy for all my Atheist friends (and some theist friends, too!)

I would be willing, yes, but I can't decide what I would write about.
I don't want it to be filled with nonsense like The DoucheBag Bible.
Liked by: Emilia

Which do you find more annoying? People who won't listen to your point of view, or people who think you don't listen to their point of view?

The former.
Liked by: Emilia

Do you watch MrRepzion?

No. He's like... way younger than me.
I prefer to listen to people with more life experience than me, or at-least people funnier than me.
Liked by: Emilia Nathan French

i'm planning to comit suicide , and i feel excited for the first time in years , what are your thoughts on this ...

I think suicide is dumb. Outside of people using it to escape a painful death from disease or torture, suicide is a far too permanent solution to a temporary problem.
Talk to someone; someone with a doctorate in psychology would be the best start. Tell them you don't want to live and they will help you figure out why.

With all the science knowledge you have (chemistry, physics, astrophysics, biology, history, etc...), could you make a concept of how would be a god? The point is, can we really understand what would be a being that has created the universe, that is omnipresent, omnipowerful and omniscient ?

RaphaelDellaGiacomaBettes’s Profile PhotoRaphael Della Giacoma Bettes
I've never made a case that there are no gods. If a god exists with the ability to create a universe than it would be WELL beyond our understanding.
I simply respond to the idea that there is a god that demands to be worshiped and I answer that with "If there is an infinite god who wants to be worshiped, he could take a little time out of his infinity to prove that he exists as a small token before I worship him.

How do compose your videos? Do you draw out a basic storyboard and go from there or do you jump right into it and just keep tweaking the video until you feel the video is complete?

I find a video that has some funny shit in it.
I play the video and record live responses to the things said, sometimes researching as I go.
Then I splice the audio I recorded into the video I responded to and then animate what I said.
So, no, zero planning. Run and gun!
Liked by: Claret Rimli

What you think of misogyny or claims of misogyny within the Atheist Community? I heard a lot of self claim atheist said very sexist things towards Women? One of the BIg name youtubers like Thunderf00t have been supporting people like Davis Aurini, who sees women as a inferior gender

There is certainly some misogyny in the Atheist community, I can't deny that.
I like some of Davis' work, but over-all I find his super right-wing. He is traditionalist and thinks women should stick to their gender rolls.
Thunderfoot has been caught saying some really insensitive stuff too, though he isn't as extreme right-wing as Davis and I don't think he has ever made any statements about traditional gender-rolls.
I think Thunderfoots problem is less about being a misogynist (which I can't really say if he is or isn't a misogynist) and more that he has zero tact when describing his opinions of feminist issues. I describe his views as being insensitive, not misogynist.
That being said though, he usually isn't wrong about the facts he points out, even if I don't agree with some of his conclusions.

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I became an atheist after many years of catholic schooling because I wanted to decide for myself what I believed(or had a lack of belief in). However, one of my biggest problems with being an atheist is dealing with the fact of mortality. How do you deal with knowing that after we die, we are gone?

Two answers to that.
You were "Gone" before you were born. How did that make you feel? It will feel the same after.
You're alive now, and "now" will always exist in the 4th dimension.
Liked by: Emilia Claret Rimli

When you started learning about science, where did you start? I understand you are curious about things I am too but I just dont know enough and I dont know where to start off

I studied biology and Chemistry in High school, but when I became atheist I studied evolution because that was the biggest deception I was taught as a child and now that I know better I want to know everything about it.
Liked by: Emilia luisa

How can creationists think, when there is no ultimate reward at the end of their life, than all life is in vain? Did you think so too when you were a theist? How can somebody make children think like that?! This cant be healthy... and its quite sad too...

I don't know... especially considering that goes against a lot of Jesus' teachings.
Jesus taught that their reward is here on Earth, that heaven is here on Earth. Jesus even knew there was no after-life.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

Since you were one: How is it, that creationists think they are selfless, but when you talk to one their motivations seem quite selfish (like: Everything has only a meaning, when I get to live forever in heaven afterwards). Yet they fail to see that...

Yeah, that's kind of a double-edged sword.
I'm going to answer this as if I am Christian still.
We believe as Christians that we were gifted with eternal life and as payment for that we have to be selfless and giving. Most of us as Christians take great pleasure in giving to the poor, helping the weak, lifting the low and helping others. It makes us feel good, but it also makes us feel superior. But mostly we only do it because we know it makes god happy and it feels good to kiss his ass for brownie-points.
You take that away, you take god out of the equation and you pull the rug out from under our whole reason for trying so hard. We are all of a sudden no-longer superior to anyone, no longer messengers of god and we become just normal people. The same kind of low-life nobodies that we used to help. We are demoted to nobodies with no god, no father, no purpose. It's too much for a lot of us to handle.

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Liked by: Emilia Claret Rimli

I'm dating a girl right now who is a devout Christian. I love her to death, and as far as I know she loves me too. She however has a problem with me being an Atheist. I don't want this to turn into a big thing later on, what's a good way I can ease her into accepting it and loving me for who I am?

She clearly already does.
You have to ask yourself some questions though: Is it worth dating a girl who wants to change me? Am I prepared to lose her over her religion? Will she ever be satisfied with my disbelief?
I get that this relationship is important to you, and I'm not trying to break you up, but is she trying to change you? Will she always try to convert you? If you were to get married would she want you to convert? Are any of these things deal-breakers for either of you?
Also... your insecurity tells me that this is your first love. Firsts loves are always the hardest. You learn a lot about yourself when you lose her.
It sucks balls, I know, but the second or third love is more likely to be the one you spend your life with.

I've been following your videos for about a year now and i really enjoy them! I was wondering what you're views on religion's influence on U.S politics are like. I respect others beliefs but when the people who run our government use religion to push their own agendas it really frustrates me.

I find it mind-blowing. Really... amazing how deluded some members of your government are.
I get praying before a meeting and the "under god" stuff and the thanking god stuff, but then actually using bible-beliefs to drive laws and policies.... insane. Scares the shit out of me, to be honest.
There is very little religious influence on Canadian Politics. In-fact, the conservative party chastised one of it's members for denying belief in evolution.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

My family is very religious. I've broken away from them in recent years, but i cannot stand to know that my little siblings are being indoctrinated and pressured into the kinds of damaging mindsets and lifestyles that their religion teaches. What can i do to make things easier for them?

I'm assuming you still have contact with them.
Talk to them, teach them to think for themselves. Teach them skepticism. Teach them that it's ok to question the stories their parents and teachers tell them. Teach them it's ok not to believe in god and hell.
Liked by: Emma J. Stubbs

What's your opinion of The Red Green Show? Always been interested to hear what a Canadian thinks of it.

I always found it kinda boring.
It certainly reflects some of the Rural-Canadian culture at it's funniest, it was more geared towards my Dad's generation than mine.
Liked by: Nathan French

So I live in Perth Western Australia, and I swear someone that looks and sounds a helluva lot like Ken Ham just walked into a shop here (legit either him or his doppelganger). As an atheist, what should I do? :P

This is one of those things where if it happened to me, I would get so excited with different ideas I wouldn't be able to decide how to troll him before he walked out the door...

Out of curiosity, is there anything you'd probably disagree with when it comes to Hitchens and Dawkins? Not necessarily religious but anything

Hitchens became super conservative after 9/11 and had some opinions about immigration and Muslims that I can't really stand behind. Also Dawkins said some stuff about rape that was a little too extreme for me too. But over all their work has been pretty solid.
Liked by: Claret Rimli


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