
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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Do you think any subset of birds will ever return to the ocean on a permanent basis the way mammals have (as in whales)? Species such as the gannet seem like they could go in that direction in the long term... I wonder what kinds of changes they would have as a result...

No... they would still have to lay their eggs on land.

What are your thoughts on reincarnation, the works of Ian Stevenson and other people who worked in that similar area of trying to prove reincarnation?

How do you prove something as loopy as that?
Even if it were true, there would be no way of knowing.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

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Are you ever going to debunk a spirit "science" video?

No. No point.
How do you debunk half an hour of nonsense space-jew assertions with no evidence?

What do you think will be the state of creationism in America in 10 years?

Lyle Gio G. Sta. Maria
Well, it has already kind of turned into corporatism, so it will be that times 10.
Small businesses will still survive, but likely will have to affiliate with larger conglomerates for protection and insurance.

What do you think about Buddhism? Could you give reasons as well please?

Why do people keep asking me about Buddhism?
It's fine. Whatever. It's not offensive, but it promotes emotion over reason and therefore is not worth my time.
Liked by: Marina Swanson

So. The World Government has outlawed Atheism, and has mandated that everyone MUST have a religion. But you can choose and design your very own religion. What would it be?


so is the athiest community gotham & your batman ? prettyyyyy cooll

Yes. I am the skeptical hero Atheism needs, but sure as fuck not the one it deserves.
*cough* Social-Justice Schism *cough*
Liked by: Abigail Garcia

You said that you liked games. If the demand was high enough would you ever make a game channel?

It would have to be REALLY high. I may upload a game video or two to ArmouredMedia, but that channel only gets me about 7000 views per video.
Liked by: Emilia

Despite our information age, most living humans are religious. And even atheists can glom onto irrational social dogma. Does non-affiliated reason have a chance in humanity's future, and if not, would it be a worthy endeavor to craft a less harmful belief system for future generations?

Atheism and Secularism are growing, that's true, but Theism is growing faster.
Not all atheists are skeptics, meaning even secular people don't use reason.
So, no. We are fucked. People will always choose emotional response to reason.
Fucking planet, I fucking hate it.
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

Dear Sir skeptalot my good man what are your views on educational systems. Do you prefer the daily 730 to 3 grind of American education, or a more European or University system where you go to specific classes daily and others some days. I personally think the daily grind is detrimental to Americans

I personally found having to juggle 4 classes per day daunting.
5 classes per semester, 1 subject per day, 8 - 2. That's my system.
Armoured Skeptic 2016

Would you be upset if you ever became popular enough to inspire some one to rule 34 your character the armoured skeptic? Or would you look at it as something of a milestone? Kinda how it has happened to TJ(The Amazing Atheist). Weather it be satire or some one who actually would fap to it. (or b

I'd be surprised if someone hasn't already done it...
Can't get upset at a statistical inevitability.
Liked by: Emilia

What is your opinion on tolerance for intolerance? The main argument of the no campaign here in Ireland (Which I think you could make a video on) is that the intolerant should be tolerated. In my opinion sure people's beliefs should be tolerated but if it does affect people then it is bad.

Are you speaking of a very specific type of intolerance...? If you mean people say we should be tolerant of bigotry, racism, sexism and hate, then that's nonsense. I have a hard time believing that anyone is promoting tolerating that kind of thing.
If you're speaking about tolerating people who promote hate for cis-white-males (which has become the popular buzz-topic online lately) then that sounds like double-think and is right along the lines of Orwell's 1984.

I've heard that some Christian apologists like Ken Ham only do what they do for the money, where does this money come from? Do they get the money from people who are doubting their faith and need reassurance/parents trying to convince their kids that the Bible is true?

Well, lots of people do what they love for money, so I can't really speak to the validity of that accusation, but he actually has a really successful business set-up. I would be impressed if it wasn't founded on nonsense.
People buy stuff from his website, visit his museum and give him "donations" on a regular basis.
Plus he gets paid to lecture people around the US about how to ask scientists "were you there?"
So... he's got that going for him.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

What kind of music do you listen to? Are you a fan of any death metal?

I listen to ALL sorts of music.
I prefer old-school rock, classical music and alternative rock.
But I also like Classic Rock, dance, some pop, some electronic, some folk, and yes, some metal.
I am not really big on metal, but Logicked showed me some of his faves and I really like some of the stuff he listens to.
Liked by: Marina Swanson

Demonic possession stories are cute and all, but why do even non religious people believe them? They're just stories without any proof of happening. (That, if it is to discount the exorcism of Emily Rose audio recording. I'd argue that, if true, they're nothing but a form of insanity.)

Ghost and demon stories trigger a very ancient, very tribal, very animistic instinct in our psyche that makes us feel uneasy.
That fear and uneasiness can convince you of some dumb shit.
I personally like to trigger that response intentionally because I like the thrill of it. Watching "true" stories about ghosts and creepy things. I may look twice at a shadow and wonder if the creaking of my house is something supernatural from time-to-time, but I know better... some people don't have the same constitution.

Where did you learn Cantonese from?

Chinese friend. Spent a long time with his family and picked up enough to know how to ask simple requests and understand what they're saying about me.
Lay-Molo is an important one. If a Cantonese person says that to you they think you're an idiot.
Liked by: Emilia

Have you licked a girl's butthole before?

No and I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally doubt that will ever happen.

You're amazing and super smart! You don't have to answer this question if it makes you uncomfortable, but what do you think about global warming? If the issue that is global warming increases at the alarming rate that it is right now in the future, what do you think will happen to people/animals?

Thank you!
The truth is uncomfortable. That is no reason not to tell people the truth. That mentality gets us in a lot of trouble and that is the reason there are #hashtag wars over the dumbest shit.
You are not going to like this...
Once the carbon that is stored in the oceans makes it to the atmosphere, which it has begun doing, there will be lower crop-yield causing famine.
The oceans are already turning acidic from the higher carbon levels and we're seeing a decrease in certain types of ocean-life, like coral. This, along with rising sea-levels will cause giant tidal waves on a regular basis.
Basically, aside from a few of us who have prepared, we are all fucked. We are likely past the point of no return, meaning we will only be able to slow-down the process at this point. Those who survive will likely be sent back to the dark-ages.
The winters will become unbearably cold outside of the equatorial zone, so be ready for that too.
So, our generation may be looking at some tough times, but the next generation will be sorely unprepared for what is to come if we don't stop padding our children with special-snowflake mentalities and silly dreams and start teaching them tough truths about the future and teaching them life-skills like survival.
Those who are easily prone to PTSD and "Triggering" will be the first to go, along with those who are not able to run, climb and hunt or defend themselves against attackers, rapists, muggers, thieves, goons and psychopaths.
Will this happen in 50 years, 100 years, 200 years? I don't know, but the lower crop-yields are already happening, China's farm-land is already half desert now, California is drying up faster than a girl being hit-on by PZ-Myers and Mexico only has so much food to sell to North America.
The next war will be over water and food, but even if our "side" wins, most of us will die anyways.
I'm not saying this will happen tomorrow, but be aware of the signs. Be prepared.
Have a nice day ;)

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In your latest video (Under the Helmet 2) you used a slur. Idk if you are aware, but the term r*tarded targets people who are mentally disabled. I'm saying this b/c I don't think you'd use slurs such as f*ggot or n*gger because you seem like a reasonable and respectful person.

No, it targets retardation, not mental disability.
"Retarded" means "the stop of growth" or "Discontinuation of learning or adaptation,"
I agree that it's not PC but it's not even CLOSE to being the same thing as saying "Faggy" or "Niggery." Those are slang terms that are designed to diminish, belittle and denigrate. Retard is a term designed to describe the delay of development.

If 4 elephants step on 74 bananas with the face of jesus carved on them a day, how many christians tried to save the bananas?

Too many.


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