
Armoured Skeptic

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in your opinion is it possible to both approve of gay marriage and transgenderism while also believing that gender is not interchangeable. in other words that gender matters in the biological sense

Mental "gender-identity" and physical sex are not the same thing. I can't say for sure if it's true, I have no background in the study, but gender is an identity impressed onto people while growing-up. It's not necessarily something that your body just knows intuitively... but there is some science to show that "boys will be boys" and "Girls will be girls" regardless of their environment, so I don't know... There are so few trans-genders and trans-sexuals out there, it's hard to find defining characteristics.
Wanting your body to match your mental gender is just an attempt to reconcile those differences.
Gender does matter in the biological sense, as your body can only be used for the functions that your chromosomes dictate. Having surgery to become a physical woman can not make you a real woman, but there is no reason not to consider someone who Identifies as woman as a real woman. Gender in that sense is somewhat nebulous.
Though some take it too far and have come up with like 30 or 40 different gender-identities... it's insane.
Male, Female, Hermaphrodite and "No Specification" are really the only 4 real genders. Tumbler would disagree, but Tumbler is filled with special snowflakes that refuse to conform with reality.

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As an atheist, what is your explanation for stuff like people being dead for twenty minutes and seeing Jesus? I'm an atheist too and I have a tough time refuting these claims. http://www.youngcons.com/17-year-old-declared-dead-for-20-minutes-came-back-to-life-after-meeting-jesus/

Everyone's experience is different, they all see a different Jesus, they all say he has different features, some even see a white Jesus.
The brain is a funny thing. People who's brains are still alive when their body is dead or dying will go into a dream-state. It's all imagination.
Liked by: Claret Rimli Toggaf

Once, and for all; Is the dress purple, gold, white, black, or some kind of eighth color that only tabloids and Terry Pratchett can see? I have enlarged the individual pics and asked "what color are these pixels?" We all answered the same. So, WTF?

The dress is purple and black.
The white-balance on the camera fucked-up, likely because the sun was shining directly into the lens.
Computer or TV screens DO NOT have yellow pixels. Only Red, Blue and Green. The yellow you see on the screen is a lie. The screen sends your eyes a signal that tricks your brain into seeing yellow.
With all of these factors, the signal sent to about 80% of people activates that "yellow lie" affect in their brain, but some people aren't getting that effect. That's also why some people change their mind on what they're seeing.

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Do you believe Dusty Smith's suicide video, or did he make it up (or ham up a story) to appear genuine? In the 3 years I've watched his videos, he has never answered a single question of mine on his webpage. I guess he's too high to notice everyone eh?

There may have been a time that Dusty was involved in his fan-base, so I can't say for sure if that story is true or not, but he is clearly not involved in his fan-base today. He has never even responded to my messages, so don't be too upset about that.
But yeah... I don't know. I am quite suspicious of his story. But since I have no evidence either way I have to say I file that away in my "Skeptical" pile.
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

After hearing your last under the helmet in your response to how you deal with death and look at your own existence. I got the sense you believed in your existence already "stamped" for you. I may be interpreting this wrong, but do you believe in fate or destiny and you yourself have no influence?

It's clear that I have an affect on my environment and my actions change things around me, so it's clear that I have influence.
I don't believe in fate, but the future is basically set and can't be changed. That's not the same thing as fate.

Do you have any advice for people going through the beginning stages of deconversion after years and years of indoctrination? Specifically, how to deal with fear and anxiety that comes with the process?

That's the hardest part.
I personally was held back for almost a year from properly deconverting because of my fear of hell.
I don't know I can give you any advice other than to remind you that the god of the bible is a terrible person, and if he is a good person he wouldn't punish his "children" for failing to believe something that has no evidence.
Why would a god give us the ability to think and reason if we have to ignore those abilities to believe in him?
Liked by: Toggaf

What are your thoughts on paranormal investigators? Furthermore what are your thoughts on the validity of the science behind it and the tools used?( E.M.F. DETECTORS OR E.M.P'S etc..) p.s. you make my day with each new vid! keep going

Paranormal investigation is total nonsense. Even the big shows about ghost-hunting clearly lie to their audience and manufacture evidence.
Almost all of the technology related to ghost-hunting is useless radios and thermometers.
Also, EMF detectors detect exactly that... EMF. And EMF is not a ghost.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

okay so ive had this debate a couple times and i want your opinion. i say that the big band is an expansion of the universe not explosion because you need space for an explosion to happen since time and space were created with big bang so can you please shed some light?

Yeah, the big-bang was not an explosion that happened billions of years ago, it is the expansion of the universe and is still happening now.
The reason they call it a "bang" is because the initial growth of space-time was immense.

Hey skeptic! have you ever considered doing let's plays? i'd love to see your commetary! also why is your voice so sexy? >w<

Yeah, I'd love to, but I can't imagine my channel would gain much steam... there are THOUSANDS of gaming channels.

I just watched your Age of Ultron Test Pilot. Are you able to see out of your helmet? What's covering the slits in your helmet?

I can see very well, compared to the average helmet.
I have tinted goggles on and a black mask.

Your opinion on planet x?

There is likely an undiscovered body in the outer-edge of the solar-system. There is evidence of a large body sweeping it's gravitational pull around.
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

What do you think of JaclynGlenn?

She's cool. Nothing about her offends me.
I'm not really into her stuff though. I can't say exactly why, but it just seems that she doesn't market it to people like me.
I like videos that are analytic and make me think, she is more geared to people who already agree with her and just highlighting dumb things.

Are you looking forward to Marvel incorporating Civil War into its cinematic universe?

Yes, but the comic-version of Civil-War didn't make much sense.
Iron Man and Cap were both on the wrong sides (though I understand why they did it) and Tony never would have been OK with an off-world super-prison, but whatever...
Liked by: Claret Rimli

Does wearing your helmet on screen cause any issues for the audio?

I have a microphone wired in the helmet.
There are some issues that I am not sure how to get around, but over-all it's pretty good considering my head is in a tin-can.

Do you think that it's possible that we might achieve cyborg based immortality or something of the like within this century or so?

Yes, and no.
It's likely within a century we will be able to extend the life of humans with cybernetics, but there is no way to keep a brain alive past it's expiration-date.
It will either have to be replaced with a computer or uploaded to a computer.
When your brain is dead and your memories are in a computer, is it still really you? I don't think so...
Liked by: Claret Rimli Vlad

Is Gravity god? Not the Christian version with "Intelligence" and demanding worship but like, responsible for the creation of the universe, omnipresent, linking everyone and everything together, presence inside of you, created the earth and the sun kind of god.

JeremyLeyland’s Profile PhotoJeremy Leyland
No, gravity is simple.
Space is like water in a bathtub. When you put a body into the tub, the water rises because it's being displaced.
Same with a planet in space. You put a planet in space it displaces the space, but since the space has nowhere to go, it presses back up against the planet.
Gravity is space pressing back down against us. The earth isn't pulling us, space is pushing us.
Liked by: Toggaf

Do you ever feel need for God , like I do from time to time (Im atheist). Just to like have a feeling that something is going to be right or that everything will work out. I must say tho I was a lot happier when I was theist instead of atheist ( Maybe it is because I am a teenager now).

I have to admit that the occasional thing happens that evokes certain religious desires.

Do you miss Bob Smeerfak, yeah I remember you from his channel. How much of an influence has he had on you, did he inspire? Any Idea why he hasn't uploaded in a while? Do you have any particular favourite series/video of his?

His account says he was active 2 days ago, and he said he should have a vid up soon about a month ago.
I love his New Test series. He was certainly an inspiration.

Have you ever seriously looked at Zen philosophy when it has been removed from the religious dogma of Buddhism? It helped me come to terms with reality as it is and I think it could be a useful tool for you in discussions and debates.

Zen is one of the only good things about Buddhism.
Liked by: Conner Roskelly

Do you subscribe to any ideals in regards to government? Is there a way you think government should be handled? What is your idea of a perfect world?

I'm not really much of an idealist, but I find the Canadian Democratic system quite good, it's just the voters that suck.


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