
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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Opinion on joe rogan and his podcast?

Hit and miss.
He's not a particularly well informed individual.

"the amazing atheist" oh lord this i don't know what it is but i could never get into his stuff. i try and fail every time.

He goes for the obvious and the lowest common denominator with the majority of his comments.
I see why people like him but I just don't enjoy his sense of humour.

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How high is your IQ? were you ever placed in gifted classes?

I've received numbers in the range between 133 and 147, but I can't speak to the accuracy of those tests.
Yes. I was not extremely gifted at school work specifically, but my classes were all advanced learning.
Liked by: Aidan Simpson

If you could go on on a purely platonic lunch date with a YouTube woman who would you choose?

I don't want to say... because I've mentioned her name so often lately I don't want to sound like a stalker.

What are your toughts on Firearms?

Being an outdoors man of sorts, I see guns as a useful tool.
As a weapon though? Never had a desire to own one for the house, but I don't see any reason why everyone of good mental-standing shouldn't be allowed to own one to protect their home.

Is there anyone on the internet with views similar to your own that you find obnoxious?

Yes, the Amazing Atheist.
I don't mind the guy. Seems cool. I just don't much enjoy his videos.
Liked by: Aidan Simpson

Would you ever consider doing a hangout with Sargon of Akkad on feminism?

Sargon and I will be chatting, but I doubt it will be about feminism.
Liked by: Aidan Simpson

Why did you remove your original/introduction video from youtube?

I didn't. I just re-named it.

Are you a fan of Steve Shives?

I like his "An Atheist Reads" series... that's about it. I tend to disagree with a lot of his political stances, and really, that's all the rest of his videos are about.

Warrior, mage, or thief?

I usually go mage... but I have to say that I tend to have more easy fun with the warrior.

Are you a republican or do you support the monarchy of Canada?

Those are my only two choices...?

A lot of the major atheists on YouTube have been hopping on the "Anti-Feminist Bandwagon". What are your stances with that?

Yeah, these kinds of social issues have carved the atheist community in two, or three, or four...
I am keeping my channel away from that stuff.
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

Is French a compulsory subject in Canadian schools?

Yes. Up until grade 9, though I took it in Grade 10 as-well.

Am i wrong for saying that Frank Turek is the least stupid you have responded to?

Hard to say... He is pretty deluded.

Are you a feminist? (I know you mentioned you would not talk about it on video, but in text I hope it's cool) :D

No. I am not associated with any movements or political groups.


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