
Armoured Skeptic

Ask @ArmouredSkeptic

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How did you find The Living Dinosaur? What was your negotiation like, getting TLD to appear in your video? (Many many thanks for that)

I just sent him a PM and he was happy to help. Apparently he is a fan of my work.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

have you ever thought about doing a video about the "Spirt Science" videos?

Yes, but... what can I really say? It's just pure nonsense.

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how many people do you think wouldstop claiming evolution is bullshit if they actually knew what the thoery of evolution is about?

I don't know. I wonder that a lot.
There just seem to be people who don't want to know. But those aren't the people I try to convince.

I am a minor living with an extremely Conservative Christian family. Every time my mother or father says something racist, homophobic, sexist, etc. I call them out on it and I'm always punished for harboring my own opinion. How do I fix this so my family can stop hating me?

I don't really know you can fix it. Sounds like you have a family of assholes.
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

What do you think of Steve Shives and his series "An Atheist Reads"?

I like that series. It's the only series of his I watch.
The rest I find too... opinionated.

I noticed that you keep yourself calm and collected in most of your videos... Most of the time, would you mind if I asked you, how calm and collected can you actually be in a face to face conversation?

In real life?
Much more calm than I do in my videos.
I mostly do all that yelling and condescending for entertainment purposes.

Is it ultimately possible to be a moral realist as an atheist?

Depends on what you mean when you talk about morality. Morality is fairly subjective.
The idea that some sort of God created it makes no sense as all gods we know of don't adhere to our current idea of morals.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

Have you ever seen the Tai Lopez commercials on YouTube? He's the guy with the Lambo in the background, the claim that he read a whole book in 10 minutes, & claims money means nothing. Would you parody it? :)

Oh... yeah... I certainly could.

What are your thoughts about Penn Jillette? Like him? Hate him? Do you like his point of views and his ability to make you see two sides of every coin? E.g. He applauded the Westboro Church for being honest and open about their beliefs. Another example, he defended the Duck Commander last month

I find him pretty hit-and-miss.
Mostly miss, but he does make me think sometimes I guess.
I always kind of feel like he is on the right track, but falls short of coming to a good point.

How to grow a planet, is also a great documentary on how our planet formed. My question is, if you could travel through space to explore other planets. Would you prefer a space ship, or some sort of device that allows you to bend time and space and simply walk through?

That's an odd question...
I suppose a ship. I believe I would enjoy the view.
Liked by: Havah Eisenmann

What is your favorite movie? (btw I used penis enlargement so I hope it counts)

I always have trouble answering these kinds of questions. I'm not good with absolutes.
My faves:
Pulp Fiction
Dark Knight
Inglorious Bastards

How would a half-ape half-human debunk evolution?

Because there is no such thing as a half-and-half animal. It's Either completely one thing or another. The mish-mashing of animals would take an intelligent intervention, from someone who can either manipulate genes or can sew body-parts together.
Another thing that makes the question a bad question is that humans are still apes. We are 100% ape.

Why didn't you answer my question about the red head?

I still have 476 unanswered questions...

Are Canadian schools and colleges set up like the US, or are they different? If different, how so? Thanks.

They're different. Similar though.
Colleges give out Diplomas for trades and specific skills. Usually cheaper education.
Universities give out Degrees for broader knowledge-bases. Usually very expensive.
We do not call Universities "Colleges." In fact you may get yelled at for calling a University a college.

Will you do a video about radioactive decay? It would be cool to point out that cretards don't understand exponentials.

No, but if it comes up in a future video I will be sure to expand on it.

What are your thoughts on the Sam Harris/Ben Affleck exchange on Bill Mahers Overtime ? As a Pakistani I wholeheartedly agree with what Sam has to say. But where did you stand on that ?

Ben showed that there is a universal misunderstanding about what Islam is... There are a lot of people who think that Islam is a race and that anything you say against it is Racist.
This may have something to do with the same attitude people have towards Judaism.
Yes, Sam is right. Islam is an idea, not a people and not a race, it's a belief-system. As belief-systems go, it's probably the worst one on Earth today.
Liked by: Aoun Hafeez

Do you have any advice for an American who is going to study at McMasters in Hamilton?

My friend went to Mac. Amazing school!
I'm not sure you need advice. Just don't be a dick, you'll be fine.

Would you think that magic would be cool if it existed?

Well, maybe it would if performed by skilled professionals.
But if everyone had the potential but only a few could master it, there could come a day that it becomes the next thing ruined by douche dorm-students trying to look deep in front of clueless women.

Armoured: Same guy who posted the question about Sargon. This is why I like you. I agree wholeheartedly here (I mean, I obviously watch him, or I wouldn't have noticed you posting). I was just curious to know if you'd spotted him saying BS from time to time. Love your stuff!

Obviously, but he's an honest enough guy to admit when he's wrong.

How do you feel about people using "gay" as a negative description? I think people who are offended by it need to get over themselves, especially people who aren't even gay. I've known several gay people through the years that used gay to describe something as negative.

It's rare that I use it, but using the word "gay" to describe lame or dumb things does not offend me in the least and I don't think there should be a problem with it.
It's not like it's the homosexual equivalent of the N word.


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