
Armoured Skeptic

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What's a quasar?

From what astronomers gather, it's a specific type of black hole (possibly a young galaxy prototype) that has a small black-hole in the center and the black hole is spewing energy outwards.
The source of these is not yet clear, but MY best guess is that they are born in already existing galaxies when a star implodes and then starts eating up more matter and energy than it can digest.
Stars are usually born in pairs (our sun is an exception to this rule, but if we had a second sun it would have been Jupiter) and sometimes one dies before the other. This is what usually leads to the most spectacular displays a quasar can have. The still living star slowly feeds the quasar with matter and energy and the quasar almost explodes in rapid succession. Just incredible to watch.
Black holes are confusing... and I don't know too much about them.

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Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

What in astronomy fascinated you the most? To me it was pulsars... mind-gasm

Pulsars are amazing, yes.
I am just interested in the dance between dark matter, gravity, black holes, the nuclear forces and the electro-magnetic forces and watching how they unfold in the natural cosmos un-interrupted.

Do only canadians and americans watch your videos or do you reach people from other countries too? I'm curious XD

My analytics say that it's mostly people from the USA, but there is traffic from south-america, europe, asia and Australia.
Not too much from Africa though.

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Can jet fuel melt steel beams?

It can expand the metal causing it to bend under pressure, but not melt it to a proper molten state. You need coal for that.
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

Love to learn stuff about the universe. can you recomment any mind-gasm causing books or documentaries?

Start with the Carl Sagan Cosmos series.
Then move onto the Neil Degrass Tyson Cosmos series.

What do use to keep your helmet squeaky clean... seriously though... why was your most recent video re-uploaded? Was it previously taken down?

The BBC made a claim and their robot wouldn't drop it so I had to remove the part with the flying dinosaur.
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

Should children be indoctrinated (beyond educated) and what should that indoctrination be?

No. Only teach them to think for themselves.
The results of indoctrination are too rigid, regardless of the intention.

I'm a Canadian atheist too, not really a question but I'm just happy to see a Canadian atheist get a lot of subs on YouTube, all I wanted to say was hi and you represent the secular people of the north very well. actually I have a question, will you be going to central Canadian comic con this fall??

Hmmm... maybe!
Thanks a lot!

Do you think terrorism, sexism, violence, and brutality in general (especially in areas like Yemen, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, etc.) are caused by religion or a mix of socioeconomic, and geopolitical factors, which religion as an igniter?

tinybeen’s Profile PhotoMaliha Mishal Mubeen
The religion certainly plays a role, but I think it is disingenuous to blame religion for all of the social-problems in those areas.
Like the sexism is very much a cultural thing.

Have you decided on a day to post a video weekly?

Yes, I would love to upload something every week, but I am not there yet.
One day I am sure I will hit that point. I just have to be sure that I can sustain this as a full-time job.

What's your take on the theory of multiple dimitions

Do you mean other realities...? Hard to say.
It's fun to imagine and work the math out for it, but I don't know.
Liked by: Claret Rimli

Would you rather live in Russia or in Heaven as presented in the Bible?

That's not hard. Russia.
I just have to tell them that I hate the USA and they will give me the Snowden treatment.
Liked by: Brian Wayne Cope

Do you have children?

No, I have not reproduced, nor have I met a woman I think would be a good mother for my children... but I don't discount the possibility of meeting a wife.

You already sell shirts and say you are going to broaden that horizon, are you ever going to be selling helmets, hmmm?

I doubt it... So few people actually like chochkies. But some other stuff? Maybe.


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